Good Things are a Comin’
Learned some good things this week. Some of which I can share and some of which are, as of now, classified… of which some of which is of a dangerous and slightly nefarious nature… of which you would be in grave danger if even a smidgen of a pinch of eave is dropped into your ear… of which I should stop talking about right now lest my lips get loose and sink any ships kind enough to dock in the harbor of this here blog. Speaking of, I’ll get to the point of this particular blog post which is… hmmmm. Let me backtrack… Oh yes!
My next print with Tiny Showcase is tonight at 7:30 Eastern Time. If you are a Tiny Showcase lover as I am, be sure to check it out. My last few Tiny Showcase prints have sold out very quickly so we’re doubling the edition from 100 to 200. Huzzah!
I also learned that I’ll be showing with Charlie Immer at my show at Roq La Rue in October. He was originally scheduled for September, and I remember thinking, “Damn. Wish he would get pushed back a month so I could show with him.” And here we are. So either it’s either very fortunate, or I get any wish granted to me if I say, “Damn” in front of it. I better be careful. Anyhow, I’m super excited to show with him and to see his work in person. Here’s a sample and check out his work on his site.
Charlie Immer Art
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