Success! Thank you all!

(photo by Marc Hug)

Thanks to everyone who came and responded and emailed and everything related to my show! I had a blast at the opening and got to meet many wonderful people. I even relatively controlled my whiskey lust and remained a very good citizen that night. Even after my friend Angelique gifted me with a whole bottle of bourbon at the opening. Devil woman! The last time she did that, I woke up at a friend’s place with cuts and bruises all over my body and no sheets on the bed… because I threw up all over them. I’d like to think I’m growing wiser in my years… or maybe I’m just better at drinking. For those that haven’t had a chance to check the show out yet please visit the Jonathan LeVine Gallery site.

Next on the list of things to do is a piece going to the Crazy 4 Cult show at Gallery 1988 in LA. It’s a show based on artists representations of cult classics and I’ve got mine in the works. The show opens on July 16th 2009 and should be quite the event. I think it’s hosted by Kevin Smith or something. Strange! Then I’m going to get real busy on my next upcoming solo show at Thinkspace in LA. That show will open on December 11th and I’ll be posting plenty more on that one.

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