Its a Mad World, Pet a Cat
Hello Subscribers!
I apologize for the lack of posts on this Blog/Newsletter but man is it hard when the world seems to be falling apart around us. Plus there are so many damn outlets to consider these days and I’m being pulled around like crazy. It can spread you thin, so to keep what’s left of my sanity, I’ve had to focus on just a couple venues to get me through. Those have been my Patreon and Instagram. When all is chaos you gotta keep things simple. So if you aren’t signed up for any of those, you can find them here:
Speaking of Patreon, I’ve been continuing my Digital Painting journey and this year has been great for me. Here are some samples from my Digital Painting posts on Patreon.

These are all available as prints in my shop. Click here to check it out: Andy Kehoe Art Shop
Art Show News:
I have a couple group shows coming up in the next couple weeks.
The first is the Vanguard show at Outré Gallery in Melbourne Australia.

The show was supposed to open on August, but Melbourne is under another lockdown due to a certain dickhead virus that won’t get the hint. They were hoping to hold out a bit to see if it would lift, but with no clear signs of letting up, they decided to release the online preview on Monday and hope for the best. Hopefully people can go see these pieces in person before it comes down.
Click here to sign up for the online preview: Outré Gallery Vanguard Preview
Here’s my piece for the show.

The next show is the 16th Annual BLAB! Show.

Always an absolute honor and pleasure to be involved with BLAB! and seriously, look at that lineup. Amazing to be among such great and accomplished artists.
I don’t have a piece to share yet unfortunately. Things are not going smoothly with this particular painting. The painting itself is looking great… but unforeseen circumstances are hindering me from finishing it. The first being that my cat Gremmy got really sick and my wife and I have been dealing with that for the last several days. Poor little guy got a urinary block and that ain’t great for a cat. So he’s been in the emergency clinic, but good news is that he’s home now but we’re in full monitoring mode. Besides some shaved arms, a shaved chunk of fur in the middle of his tail, and a shaved butthole, he’s looking pretty good.

On top of that, my painting just won’t dry so that I can do the final layer. When I start the finishing details and line work, I always put a thin layer of Galkyd on top of the whole piece because it gives me a nice smooth surface to work on. Put it on Tuesday… and its still tacky. Ugh. Why??? This never happens. Maybe the humidity? I was behind as it was with the all-hands-on-cat-deck crisis, and this exactly what I didn’t need. Giving me heart palpitations. Just goes to show you, paintings can be a fist fight sometimes, no matter where you are in your career. The painting is currently sitting right in front of my window AC unit. Fingers crossed.
Print Shop News:
I’ll be releasing my Outré piece, Braving the Hereafter, as a limited edition print next Friday. I’ll be releasing it alongside another painting I did earlier this year called, Lost Reverie. They’re both going to be small editions of 50 so get them while they’re available. I’ll send an update next week to remind you all.

Lost Reverie
Also, I post a digital painting every month (this month excluded due to craziness) and I release the prints at the same time so be sure to keep on eye on that. Again, the best place is my Patreon and Instagram.
And that should do it.
Take care and be safe out there!
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