News from the Forest Blog
Tag: Patreon

Ok Winter Settle Down, I Have Updates
Hello Everyone! Hope all of you out there sharing this crazy winter weather are holding up ok. We had a crazy ice storm over the weekend which shut me down for a couple days. Was ok on the power front, but had no desire to brave the icy streets to get to the studio. Our … Continue reading Ok Winter Settle Down, I Have Updates

Welcome Chill Autumn Winds
Happy Fall everyone and hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! Looks like the hot breath of summer is finally off our necks and we’re getting some proper Fall weather around here. Gotta say though, the leaves are a little spotty this year. Last year was just so amazing. The leaves were so vivid and … Continue reading Welcome Chill Autumn Winds

Its a Mad World, Pet a Cat
Hello Subscribers! I apologize for the lack of posts on this Blog/Newsletter but man is it hard when the world seems to be falling apart around us. Plus there are so many damn outlets to consider these days and I’m being pulled around like crazy. It can spread you thin, so to keep what’s left … Continue reading Its a Mad World, Pet a Cat

Holiday Update 2019
Son of a Krampus. Thanksgiving and the holiday season are upon us. How does this happen every year? One day there are inappropriately early Christmas decorations popping up and all of a sudden you’re waking up on New Years day with a (hopefully) mild hangover, shaking confetti out of your hair, and wondering where the … Continue reading Holiday Update 2019

Erratic Summer Update
Hello and Happy Summer everyone! Last week was a record balmy scorcher that tried its best to melt my face and this week has been full of mild spring days… we’ve officially gone and broke the Earth. Until our inevitable catastrophic demise, here’s some art to enjoy! This piece is my Patreon digital painting for … Continue reading Erratic Summer Update

Patreon Relaunch
Hello Everyone! I’m here to announce the opening of my new Patreon Campaign. Hooray! Wow. Its really hard to type “Hooray” with out it seeming super sarcastic. But believe me, this is the opposite of sarcasm. This Hooray is drenched in scathing earnestness and a palpable almost disgusting optimism. My Patreon Page is officially live … Continue reading Patreon Relaunch

Strides Taken, Art… Maken? You get it. Also, Print Release.
Hello Everyone! Long time no update. As many of you know from earlier updates, I’ve been wading into the unknown waters of digital painting and I’ve spent the last few months getting familiar with these new tools. It’s been a tough and confounding road to travel, but to be honest, I love new art toys … Continue reading Strides Taken, Art… Maken? You get it. Also, Print Release.
Patreon & The Multiversal Creature Guild
Hello Fellow Creatures It’s been a while since any meaty art updates and this a going to be a big juicy slab of an update. (Note: This post will pair well with a spicy, bold red wine.) I’ve been super busy starting up a new endeavor that I hope will aid me in my quest … Continue reading Patreon & The Multiversal Creature Guild
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