Together at the Threshold
Here’s a painting I did for my fiancé and soon to be awesome wife, Ash. I started this piece around October/November last year and it’s been quite a journey from inception to completion. I originally intended it to be a Christmas present, but then I had different plans for it. I knew I was going to propose to Ash so I decided to include it in my engagement plans. But as I worked on it, it took on a life of it’s own and a simple idea turned more grand and fantastical and layers turned into more layers.
Then one night, Ash and I went out to a nice dinner and my sister’s friend came up to our table from the bar. After the normal courtesies, he says, “I just wanted to congratulate you two. That’s really awesome.” In the next second, I saw Ash’s look of complete obliviousness to what was just said, his brief but unmistakable look of immediate guilt when he saw Ash’s face and his quick retreat from our table, leaving me completely caught off guard and looking at a face that wanted answers. All I could do was plead ignorance and formulate the angry texts I was going to send my sister when I had a free moment.
After that, the lid was blown off the whole deal and Ash started picking up on every little sign and every little comment. Some of my friends were interrogated, but I didn’t really tell anyone… to prevent this very thing from happening. So in the end, the painting didn’t become part of the engagement day, but I was able to take my time with it and really make it the painting I wanted it to be.
So here it is.
I’m also releasing this as a print, to which a large portion of the sales will go directly into our wedding. So in a way you’ll be helping us celebrate our wedding… and you might be contributing to that special bottle of whiskey that leads to one of our guests to becoming the drunk guy that takes his shirt off, makes a drunken, teary speech before jumping into the pond. You could very well make that magic happen.
The print is 18″ x 22″ with a 1″ White border and an edition of 100. It’ll be in my Etsy store for $70.
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