Winter is coming???
Hey All,
Hope you’re all having a good winter. It’s been very unwinter-like around these parts and it’s been awesome… but weird. Part of me is wary of celebrating it because I keep waiting for the other winter boot to drop and smack us all in the face with subzero blizzard hell. But on the side of optimism, I guess I’ll just enjoy the sunny Fall-like weather, plead ignorance and pray to the Northern Gods in the weirwoods. Winterfell!!!
I’m busy working on my next show at Thinkspace in July. I’m taking a bit of a departure for this show and exploring some new techniques and mediums. I’ll have more to show in the upcoming months to further explain. All I can say is that it seems like a logical step for me in the making of small worlds and if anything, enhances the spirit and mood that I so love to express in my work.
Another thing I’m getting ready for is my wedding in the Fall. Yep, I proposed to my lovely girlfriend, Ash, and we’re now both thick in the madness of getting ready for a wedding. There’s a lot to think of, lot to do, but I’m excited to spend the rest of my days with my best friend and the woman I love. I’ve got some ideas for the wedding that have been shot down so far:
Have the minister dress up like Albus Dumbledore.
Have the entire side of the Kehoe family ride in on war horses holding spears.
Have a small rowboat full of explosives and fireworks floating in the middle of the pond to be ignited with a fiery arrow the moment we both say, “I do.”
Sounds romantic to me… I’ll keep working on it.
I’m releasing some new smaller prints in my Etsy store. They’re all from my recent show at Roq La Rue. I wanted to pick some of the smaller painting to release as prints andjust decided to pick them all. So there four new prints that are 9″ x 12″, editions of 40 and are selling for $35. Here are a couple examples.
A Fading Farewell |
Affinity to Unfamiliar Worlds |
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