Woah Technology. Easy Now.
I think I’ve just connected my blog, via RSS Reed, to my Twitter account so my updates on here will show up there and I can bother even more people in an even easier manner than ever before. I almost understand what an RSS feed is, but I think I figured out enough to use it. If this doesn’t work, I’ll hate RSS feeds forever for making a fool out of me. I wonder if I’m getting closer to the age where new technology seems too confusing and stupid to bother with.
I’ll be in LA next week. Holy shit what happened to November? Tomorrow comes the day of dread for me when it comes to shows. The packing and shipping of new paintings. The process itself is a pain with all the bubble wrap and the cutting of two boxes to make into one big box to fit all the paintings, etc. But the stress of having five months of work flying across the country and zooming down highways is not a fun time. I usually kill a goat or two to appease the shipping gods.
update: I have also put Twitter updates on the side of my blog. Insanity. So when I update on the blog, it updates Twitter and shoots back over to the blog and updates that I have just updated. This loop might just break the internet.
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