Erratic Summer Update
Hello and Happy Summer everyone!
Last week was a record balmy scorcher that tried its best to melt my face and this week has been full of mild spring days… we’ve officially gone and broke the Earth. Until our inevitable catastrophic demise, here’s some art to enjoy!
This piece is my Patreon digital painting for July. I really wanted to figure out how to create planets like I do with my paintings, specifically how it made planets with resin. With resin, I would throw a bunch of wet oil paint into the poured resin and go to town to create those swirly textures. I discovered a filter in Photoshop that allows me to do something very similar. Here’s a link to a process video if you’d like to see it in action.
Making Planets in PhotoShop video
Really happy with how the planet turned out and super happy with the piece overall. Getting more and more comfortable with the digital medium and getting more able to evoke the mood I want. But digital work isn’t all I’m working on these days, so here’s a traditional painting update.
Art Show and Traditional Painting Update:
I’m working on a few pieces for an upcoming group show called, “Unto the Unreal” which opens on November 8th at Red Truck Gallery in New Orleans. I’ve been wanting to show with Red Truck for a while so I’m super pumped to finally get a chance to exhibit with them. I’ll have at least 3 pieces in the show and I’ll definitely be attending the opening. I can’t pass on a chance to visit New Orleans.
Also, I decided that I’m going to start making a small oil painting a month for Patreon. I’m going to start with some 8″x10″ panels and go from there. I’ll be posting these for sale on Patreon first then they’ll be available to everyone else a week later.
I also have a couple Thinkspace group shows coming up in the Fall. More on that to come.
Print News:
I’ll be releasing the new digital piece as a limited edition print tomorrow, Friday July 26th at 4:00 PM Eastern time. As always, prints will be released through Andy Kehoe Art Shop.
Here are the details:
Omen Moon
18”x22” including 1” white border
limited edition of 100
signed, titled, and numbered by the artist
Thanks so much and stay cool out there… or stay warm. Who knows these days.
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