Patreon Relaunch
Hello Everyone!
I’m here to announce the opening of my new Patreon Campaign. Hooray! Wow. Its really hard to type “Hooray” with out it seeming super sarcastic. But believe me, this is the opposite of sarcasm. This Hooray is drenched in scathing earnestness and a palpable almost disgusting optimism.
My Patreon Page is officially live so head on over there for all the details.
But to summarize here, the biggest changes I’m making with this relaunch is that I’m focusing on digital painting and switching to a per creation payment format. My plan is to make a digital painting every month and you’ll only be charged for those digital painting posts. And there will never be more than one paid post a month so don’t worry about me going nuts and posting 20 paintings in a week. I’m way more comfortable with this format as you won’t be charged if I get wrapped up in an art show and can’t provide new digital content.
Speaking of art shows, I’ll continue to provide updates on all art shows and print releases through public posts so even if you don’t become a Patron, it’ll still be a great resource to follow for all Kehoe related news. I’ll also continue my Progress Report posts where chronicle a painting from beginning to end. You can see an example of that here: Progress Report Example. Those posts will be provided for free to all Patrons.
I’ll be posting my newest digital painting, Habituating the Unfamiliar, next Friday, May 24th. I’m going to post some time-lapsed video previews leading up to it. Here’s a tiny preview for now.
Prints will be available immediately upon release for all Patrons and the wide print release will be a week later, Friday May 24th at 4:00 PM Eastern. More details on that print release to come soon.
Thanks you so much for those of you that sign up and welcome back to those that are rejoining for another round of adventures. I appreciate it all so very much.
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